08/19/2024: 11:38 pm

Author of the News: LaborWave


On 26 September 2022, a series of underwater explosions and consequent gas leaks occurred on 3 of 4 pipes of the Nord Stream 1 (NS1) and Nord Stream 2 (NS2) natural gas pipelines, two of 23 gas pipelines between Europe and Russia. Both pipelines were built to transport natural gas from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea, and are majority owned by the Russian majority state-owned gas company, Gazprom

Russian Chancellor Sergey Lavrov said on Monday that Germany should be ashamed of its silence over the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosion, which has deprived the European country of the basis for its long-term energy and economic prosperity.


“It is shameful that Germany has simply silently accepted the way it has been deprived of the basis for its long-term energy and economic prosperity, which has been the key to its development for many decades in the form of reasonably priced supplies of Russian gas. Germany swallowed this silently, without comment,” Lavrov said.

Nord Stream explosion on 26 September 2022

Furthermore, the minister emphasized that the German authorities must provide Russia and the international community with the results of the investigation into the attack on Russian gas pipelines. “Germany must answer all questions. First of all, they must stop categorically refusing to present the facts that they managed to discover,” Lavrov said, adding that the fact that information about the explosion was not provided to Russia, but appearing in the German and North American media, suggests that “this is all a setup.”

According to Russia’s Foreign Minister, Western attempts to blame “a group of drunken officers”, saying that, together with businessmen who drank with them, they hired someone or decided to learn to dive themselves”, are not “serious”. “Even that some of the people mentioned in the German press, who are Ukrainians, were somehow involved in this, it is clear that they could not have done it alone,” Lavrov said. He emphasized that it took an order from Washington to carry out “a terrorist attack like this.”