An Alle, Alle!

This year marks the beginning of a new journey that will extend over many years. We will have to make various sacrifices, and one of them will certainly be the most valuable thing we possess: time. We will invest our time in producing high-quality dissenting materials for a new doctrine that emerges as the result of countless efforts and years of research and work, synthesizing the most valuable insights produced by mankind over the centuries through the study of the economical, social and philosophical sciences.

Going beyond common sense, transcending the “right and left” dilemma, transcending the “capitalism and communism” dilemma, we open a new philosophical and political path for mankind, a new worldview that begins to understand reality and the social organism in its entirety, understanding who the true enemies and challengers of human virtues are, which are prevented from being practiced by the current system in which we live.

The new doctrine is not simply a common strand arbitrarily derived from another, but something entirely new, a new political genre indeed! It is not merely an eclectic doctrine that merely combines various points from other doctrines into a single and entirely disjointed body, but rather a unique totality of interconnected ideas with a core and a pillar: the community! And by community, we mean: the totality of individual parts that each work according to their capabilities and purposes, yet simultaneously for the benefit of the whole! It is an organic system in that it resembles the human body: each organ and member is different from the other, but the difference is bridged by a common bond that unites them and makes them work for the functioning of the body, the whole! The community is nothing more than a moral whole, where all members are interconnected by a moral bond and from there build their actions in relation to the community and themselves.

But our doctrine has a small yet very fundamental difference: it recognizes that before the political revolution there must be an inner revolution, a revolution of the self! This means that the change must begin with ourselves, we must change our attitude in all aspects, including how we act in relation to the world as individuals endowed with will and freedom, and this is the true and highest degree of meaning of the “bottom-up revolution” or “revolution from below”! A building is constructed by its pillars and, therefore, a community is built by the individuals that comprise it. What would a body be without healthy organs and members? What would a body be without its organs working in harmony for the functioning of the whole? It is not what we find in the current SOCIETY, but it is what we will find in the COMMUNITY of the future that awaits us! SOCIETY is a decaying body with deliberate members and organs that work only for their survival and for their own benefit, whereas the COMMUNITY is a body of healthy organs and members that work for the benefit and survival of the entirety! And this is the fundamental difference between a community, a true organic organism, and an inorganic organism like society.

Our community has something even more special: aristocracy! Aristocracy is not synonymous with elitism, but refers to the role in governance of the most competent individuals, our community as a whole is also aristocratic because only the best and most gifted members of the national body belong to it, and through the selection process, the chaff is definitively separated from the wheat, only those who have merit and fulfill the main requirement enter and become members of the community. 

Labor! Labor is nothing more than the full exercise and activity of man’s intellectual and physical capabilities in a specific task with a goal and purpose, always using the elements of nature and their own bodily energy for their benefit and also for the benefit of the entirety to produce and create, which are synonymous. Labor requires a sum of efforts that may combine intellect and brute force – in certain cases – working together. Labor should not be used solely for oneself, but for the community, and a community is only effective when it enables the work of individual elements and puts it at the service of the human collective, and that is what makes a man and especially a people worthy, through work the people build their own survival structure, because history and nature have proven that the world is a constant measurement of forces, it is a constant battlefield filled with eternal struggle, and the people who are not prepared for the struggle will consequently lose the struggle for the existence of their own species, and will therefore extinguish themselves.  It is only work that prepares us to survive, and the sum of the community’s work ensures the survival of our species. A war is only won with hard effort, that is, work! And our main war is that of survival! The struggle for existence is our driving force upon which we base our doctrine, and this struggle must be fought together, in a community, forces must be combined to achieve better results, no man survives if he is separated from his tribe! It may seem like a primitive idea, but history has proven that the lack of this idea led to the decline of civilization and the current degeneration. The lack of tribalism and virtues opens space for the greatest cultural aberrations we see in modernity.

By modernity, we understand: the set of forces and ideals developed during the Enlightenment period that constitute the essence of the worldview of modern man. If the ideas of the Enlightenment are the philosophy of modernity, there is something that consolidated and applied this philosophy in the daily life of man, and that is the much hated and at the same time loved capitalism. Capitalism has ancient roots, but its consolidation occurred with the industrial revolution, which overthrew the prevailing social organization for a new one. It was not only a social revolution in the true sense, but a revolution within man himself, in which he began to orient his life not only for his own spiritual and material survival and that of his family and community, but he began to orient his life in function of financial power and all his actions are based on money, because money, from a means of intersubjective exchange and wealth measurement, has become an instrument of political power, hence we have witnessed the consolidation of the true meaning of plutocracy! Capitalism is characterized by an economic system of intense capital investments aimed at self-valorization and economic activities are carried out with a view to profit, all on a macro and industrial scale, that is, en masse, and economic laws are mechanized to legally justify the pursuit of profit and the massive accumulation of capital.

From there, if before man was respected for his work and his fruits, now man is respected for his capacity for financial acquisition, which in turn gives him enormous political power, so that more financial power is synonymous, in this system, with political power. Formerly, “social status” and success in life did not consist of having money, but in being landowners, occupying highly respected professions, such as craftsmen, painters, artists, military personnel, artisans, etc. Everything changed, however, it changed for the worse. If capitalism, on one hand, has given us great technological advances, on the other hand, it has given us great moral degradation, and it all begins with greed and usury, the desire developed by capitalism to have more than necessary has led not only to great economic crises, but also moral ones, and it all began with the separation and destruction of the family nucleus, which is, in turn, the nucleus of the aristocratic community.

Capitalism is the true disease of modernity, it is modernism in its purest essence, but for every disease there is a cure, and that cure is something we call Aristocratic Socialism. And by socialism we mean: a worldview and socio-political doctrine that subordinates the parts and members of a social body to the common good and the means and measures are advocated based on the common good, therefore it is the social-political art of dealing with the common good based on social and communal principles. In other words, socialism is nothing more than the art of dealing with the common good, subordinating the parts to the whole, because the whole is greater than the part, and this is reflected in all areas of human life, especially moral and ethical life. If socialism is the art of dealing with the common good, then the leader of the community must be a true artist! He must treat his people with the utmost care, he must make politics an art, and art is made by combining the best individual gifts for the sake of beauty and artistic expression, just as a leader must do, he must embody the perfect archetype of his people and his community, making the people his primary family.

With the definition and explanation of socialism given above, we definitively separate purest and simplest socialism from Marxism; all Marxism is socialist, but not all socialism is Marxist, and this must be understood. We are not materialists and we do not seek the abolition of private property; we understand that capitalism turns private property into a great abuse of power and destroys its elemental factor: particularity. Private property in capitalism is turned into a large anonymous society, there is no true sense of “private”, unlike small and medium property, which we defend with all our might.

We advocate for local production as opposed to the large-scale industrial mass production characteristic of capitalism, replacing this mode of production with a mutualistic mode of production in a self-managed economic community. In short: we advocate for industrial decentralization and the valorization of small and medium property, producing consumer goods on demand, with each worker able to work with their own means of production, and workers cooperating mutually, putting maximum energy and creativity into the goods produced. The purpose of activities and the economy itself will be the satisfaction of basic demand needs, not mere profitability. Do not think that we are ignoring the individual interests of each worker, however, we know that in our current system it is almost impossible not to think about earning a few extra bucks than necessary to survive in a system that follows this logic, but in the aristocratic community there will no longer be this logic produced by the idea of Mammonism! Mammonism is the idea upon which the spirit of capitalism is based, the idea of the relentless pursuit of accumulating more and more wealth and material goods is the driving force of this system!

Therefore, we will have a great arduous path ahead in the coming years; we will demonstrate that there is another path beyond the capitalist system and also communism, a new path, a new worldview. We will indeed be metapolitical and not just political; we want to develop all areas of human life, not just political and economic life. We will once again put science in service of man and not against him, and to the same extent, we will do so with technology itself, in a new future that awaits us. We will fulfill the mission that the Creator has assigned to us.

Workers of brow and fist, from all over the world, unite!

Author of the post

Weber Daitz

Editor of

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